Antony Hampel Podcast

Podcasts provide a great way to outline the accomplishments of individuals that stood the test of time. Everything is thrown at them, but their tenacity and creativity push them to the other side. And in return, these individuals were rewarded with great riches and admiration. Antony Hampel is one of those individuals. Being one of Australia’s most dynamic events managers, Antony Hampel’s life has been filled with accomplishment. Desirous of adding practicality and theatricality to an event, Antony Hampel has created some of the biggest activation events, award shows, and corporate shows in Australia and worldwide.

antony hampel podcast

However, if there is to be an Antony Hampel podcast, it will look into the highlights of his achievements and his focus on teamwork. With over 25 years of experience in event management, Antony Hampel has managed to break every skill ceiling. Not satisfied with the norm, which can promote mediocrity. Antony has pushed the boundaries of what is possible – making an event from being a “so-so” affair to becoming a truly memorable experience.

That said, Antony Hampel has not only focused inwards, but his outward influence has helped those around him. That has led to the creation of a dynamic team always ready to deliver. This team looks to Antony Hampel as a leader, believing in the same ideals as he does, and trying to mirror his accomplishments, for there are plentiful of them.

Antony Hampel

However, not everything would be focused on all the inspiring tales of his life in the Antony Hampel podcast. His life has also been beset by tragedy. The death of his girlfriend, Phoebe Handsjuk, remains a mystery. However, he hasn’t let this event stop him from focusing on his family and inspiring others.

Among the diverse roster of clients, Antony Hampel has catered to our governmental authorities and corporate enterprises. And with age comes wisdom. While Antony Hampel has achieved all there is to achieve, his hunger remains – but this time, it is towards training the next generation. The old businessman has joined many charities and non-profit organizations to help children.

These are just some of the things highlighted in the Antony Hampel podcast.

Antony Hampel Wikipedia

Antony Hampel is a leading name in the event-producing industry in Melbourne. Alive Event Agency‘s CEO has been responsible for highlighting some of the most glaring events in the country.

While you can’t find anything in Antony Hampel’s Wikipedia, his life is a sum of achievements backed by a mindset to learn, achieve, and learn more. His propensity to bring the best out of every event has helped him become one of Australia’s most sought-after event managers.

antony hampel wikipedia

Among his long list of accolades, there is one that Antony Hampel is proud of the most. That was producing 28 events over the course of 30 days for the federal government. His tenacity to provide the best and the most out of little resources is infections. And that attribute has been distilled into his dynamic team as well, which is always on-the-ready ideating events with the best possible outcomes.

But that level of success has only been possible due to Antony Hampel spending 25 years immersed in managing events for television, radio, entertainment marketing, live events, and concert touring. This diverse experience has gifted him with a combination of unique skill sets that allows him to put his creative mind to work, making brand activation events hit the mark. Another major positive to his approach is his orientation towards being the most detailed while maintaining a great sense of humor that enables him to thrive under pressure. These factors, emotional attributes they may be, can’t be covered when you look for Antony Hampel’s Wikipedia.

Origin Story of Antony Hampel

The origin story of Antony Hampel is humble. He was an ambitious 19-year-old when Trip FM picked him up. Being one of the youngest to do it, Antony found his foundations early. And he then let that fuel his ambitions that materialized into a vision today as Alive Event Agency.

However, now 55 years old, Antony Hampel’s goals have changed. While he still harbors the same young hunger, Antony’s focus is now on providing the next generation a starting point. In one of his more recent acts educating the youth, he lectured on Events and Entertainment Marketing at Victoria University, Boston University, Sydney University, and RMIT.